Hello, Welcome !

In John 13:15 Jesus Said , … Do As I Have Done … and We are determined to do Discipleship as Jesus has done. Christ-like Discipleship is, Where Discipleship becomes a lifestyle rather than just a Course. Discipleship is the essence of God's kingdom, the Great Commission of Christ, and the purpose of every believer to live.

There are more people alive today that do not know Jesus, more than any other time in History, Christians just live their life as a believer and never give a thought to be a Disciple of Jesus or to be a Disciple-maker.

I strongly determined to focus on Discipleship and not just preaching. It was a call of God in my life, and I submitted to that call.

The good news is that I am not alone in this walk of Disciple-making. God has called many with the same call. It could be you, your family, and also your church. Will you answer it? The change is waiting to happen, What will your response be?

I encourage you to explore the website and partner with the Vision.

Thank you

With love,

Sanjeet Pradhan

Sanjeet Pradhan