About Sanjeet Pradhan

About Sanjeet Pradhan

Sanjeet Pradhan, hails from a remote village of Odisha, India. He has been Chosen and Called by God in his early Childhood. He is gifted with many spiritual gifts and an excellent preacher of the Word of God who present the gospel with the simplicity of Christ and with the Authority of the Word of God.

It's been more than a decade, he extensively traveling around nations, from villages to cities, from metropolitan to underprivileged remote areas, Preaching, Teaching, counseling and Training to Leaders, Ministers, Children, Youth , Women and those who need of the Gospel. By the grace of God, he Receives many opportunities to share the gospel in many Churches, Bible Colleges, Bible study group , meetings, seminars and Crusades and stays available always to minister the word of God.

He had an encounter with Jesus at the age of 8 in a Christian children's home, that ignited his desire for ministry since Childhood. He started teaching the Bible to Children and to youth as a Sunday school and VBS ( Vacational Bible School) teacher at the age of 16. He guided and led many youngsters to Christ during his 10 years of Children and youth ministry and Equipped many leaders for the Childrens and youth ministry during his 4 years of VBS Directorship. Sanjeet, shared the word of God in many Mainline Churches in Odisha during his teenage and was involved with a Christian medical team that was doing ministry among Needy people in underprivileged area.

In 2008, Severe Persecution happened in a district of Odisha called Kandhamal, many were burnt alive, their houses were destroyed, thousands fled to forest and mountain to hide and hundreds of them scattered. Sanjeet wanted to encourage the persecuted people with the love of God but he had no way to reach them as it was restricted to enter to that district but by the grace of God, Sanjeet reached them through Radio Program called " The Blessed Time " One of his friend, Sponsored the Radio Program.

By the grace of God, Sanjeet had the opportunity to teach at Charis Bible College India locations in Chennai, Mumbai and Hyderabad since 2011 and in 2016, he joined Andrew Wommack Ministries India, as a staff and pioneered the extension of Charis Bible College in Delhi, the Capital of India . However in 2022 he strongly felt the need for Discipleship in India and Registered the Kingdom Discipleship Minsitry with the Vision " To See every Individual as believer of Jesus, Believers Discipled and to Be Disciple maker." The Kingdom Discipleship has been Transforming Lives - Equipping Disciples and Impacting Community with the Unconditional love of God.

Sanjeet , often says that it's his Mother, Mrs. Renuka Pradhan who impacted and still impacting his life tremendously For Christ, her exemplary life that always motivate Sanjeet for the work of the ministry.

      - Kingdom Discipleship Team