Vision & Mission


Our Vision

To see every individual as believer of Jesus, believers discipled and to be Disciple maker.

Our Mission

To Help Believers finding and fulfilling the call of God in their lives by providing Them practical and cross-cultural mission opportunities. Transforming them into Leaders and Disciple-makers, Grounding them in the relationship with the LORD to Experience who God is and what our identity is in Him. Molding them with the Qualities of Christ, with the Gifts and fruits of the Holy spirit by teaching sound Doctrine of grace, love, rest and freedom in Christ.


New Believer
Pioneer Minister
Dysfunctional Believers Families
Church that Lacks Pastoral Care


      Zoe Bible School

Zoe Bible School is a training center, bringing People from all the corner of India, strengthening their Relationship with God, transforming them into leaders and Disciplemakers, molding them with the call of God in their lives, with the qualities of Christ, with gifts and fruits of the Holy spirit and with sound doctrine of grace, love and freedom, providing them Practical and cross-cultural mission opportunity to reach the unreached, Unchurched and persecuted areas To raise Leaders and Disciplemaker in the Body of Christ to make an impact in their own community by teaching them Christ-like Evangelism-Relationships-Leadership and Discipleship to see Every Believers Discipled and to be Disciple maker.

      Education for Missionaries and Needy Children

Educational Support for Missionaries Children whose parents do ministry in remote and underprivileged areas where they lack a good school and spiritual environment to grow. We also support Needy and Orphans Children. This initiative will help missionaries to focus fully on disciple making and their Children will not lack the Best.

      Funds Raise for Gospel Outreach

Raising funds for Discipleship and Evangelical outreach in India, as it lacks financial contribution. Very Less Outreach efforts directed to the places where there is a need. Very minimal funds goes for outreach works and that to where the Churches are established.

      Legal support for Persecuted People

On average 73 Christians a Day are abused for following Jesus in India. We provide social and legal advice to ministries, organizations, or any individual when they face false accusations, opposition or persecution for the Gospel.

      Mission Trip

We organize Self-funded Mission during Vacation like Christmas, Dussehra or Summer, especially for the people who are in the corporate, businesses and secular field but have the desire for mission work, to make an impact through short term Mission and long term Discipleship. People get the opportunity to keep visiting the same place every year that creates relationships with the people at the mission field and will help in reaching the area for the gospel.

      Comforting Brokenhearted

At Good Cheers Fellowship we provide Counseling for spiritual, emotional and decision-making Issues through many different ways like Over Voice Call, Zoom or visiting their House. We provide a platform where people can use their God- given talent and skills, conducting various motivational programs and activities like Sports, Missionary Movie, Group Discussion on practical Issues, gym, Reading Room, swimming, Talent show, Competition, Musical Instruments learning, crafting, Listening Teachings/Music to give a fellowship to loner.


We Preach, Teach and Make Disciple with the message of Grace, Truth and Freedom which we have received through the Atonement of Jesus. We are Righteous, Joint heirs in Christ, Liberated from the Bondage of Religion, Doctrine of Men, Tradition and Laws. We became New Creation in Spirit and our Spirit is sealed with the Holy Spirit , All our sins have been forgiven for all times and Sin is no more an issue between God and Us. We have boldness to walk into the throne of Grace anytime as Children of God and by Knowing Jesus we live eternal life in this world and after this world. Christ has restore our Relationship with God and provided everything that we need in Spirit and in our lives by His Grace. We are blessed with all spiritual blessings and God has made us sit together with Jesus in heavenly Places therefore it's not What we do but it's what He has done for us is the foundation of our lives. We also teach the body of Christ about Biblical principles on finances, giving, in Business, on Family and Church, about the Accuracy and Integrity of the Bible and to take the Right Decisions according to the word of God.