Partner with Us

Partner With Us

Why Partnership

I was undecided about reaching out for partnership for long time as I was not feeling good about approaching people for support. I was thinking that God has called me so He will provide so why should I approach to people for partnership and It's been 13 years I'm in full time ministry, got blessings to preach and teach to many people about the power of Partnership but I didn't approached anyone for it.

My feelings about not approaching people was purely self-centeredness as I was worry about what others will think, it was a kind of pride that I was not reaching out for partnership and also it was a foolishness that I was managing my ministry, preaching on Radio, Supporting needy Children, Traveling for Gospel etc. With the gifts money I received occasionally from friends but Today I am here, approaching You to partner with the Vision that God has given to me.

The Revelation of Partnership brought revolution in me. I understand that Self-supported ministry which generates support without partnering with people, lacks Like-minded team and Accountability until and unless we keep the personal integrity.

1. Partnership is a blessings to team up with God Having Partnership is allow like minded same vision people to join for greater purpose and the results will be thousands fold as Deuteronomy 32:30 says “ Chase thousands and two chase ten thousand and the Lord surrendered them “ see here God also involve with us in our work. 1 Corinthians 3:9 For we are God’s co-workers. You are God’s farmland and God’s building. Ministry is a team play. This revelation taught me that I need to be a team player and not a sole performer.

2. Lack of accountability is dishonesty and Accountability is an attribute of a Faithful steward of the Kingdom. Partnership will ensure the accountability and will help to finish our race of faith by looking unto Jesus .

Why to Partner with us?

  • Fulfilling the great commission of our LORD by doing Christ-like Discipleship in Entire Nation.
  • Raising Local leaders to have the peaceful and expeditious reach to Unreached and to persecuted Area.
  • Sending Disciple maker as missionary to Unreached Area and the body of Christ will starts seeing the multiplication in Discipleship in a short period of time.
  • Parenting to slow-growing, neglected, and newly planted Churches to transform them into disciple-making and Disciple-sending churches so that Christ-like Discipleship can be passed on from generation to generation.
  • To Build Families with Christian values and make family as a Disciple Making family and to live a healthy and happy family life.
  • Mentoring and Supporting Pioneer Ministers
  • Supporting missionary and needy children
  • Training Believers and ministers for Livelihood so people can be blessed to be a blessing to Own Family, Church and to the community.
  • To conduct Seminars and Training program on practical relevant modules Called EXPLORE & EXPERIENCE which will help people in every walk of life , like on Effective Leadership, Relationship with God, Marriage and Family Relationship, Biblical principles on Business and Finances, Freedom from all bondages, Life Decisions and Discipleship
  • To print Discipleship training material and Books.
  • To conduct GTF Crusade ( Grace , Truth and Freedom) To Set Free people from All the Issues of Life and Grow a Strong and Intimate Relationship with God

In 2011, I was holding a crusade meeting with a group of zealous youngsters. During Altar Call, we witnessed hundreds of people running to the podium to confess their faith in Jesus, accepting Him as their personal Lord and Saviour. I felt blessed and believed the meeting to be a success. Later that evening as I was leaving the venue of the meeting, I began to ponder, when I heard someone whispering questions in my ear, Those questions were “Who will feed those who just put their faith in me? Who will take care of them? Where will they be planted for growth? What is the future of those precious souls?” This was a sobering moment. All my excitement was turned into a lifelong strong determination and I decided to focus on Discipleship and not just preaching. It was a call of God in my life, and I submitted to that call.

The good news Is that I am not alone in this walk of Disciple-making. God has called many with the same call. It could be you, your family, and also your church. Will you answer it? The change is waiting to happen, What will your response be?

I would consider it an honour to partner with you in this vision of teaching the truth of the Gospel to the body Of Christ.

With Thanks and Oblige

Sanjeet Pradhan